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Andrea Appolloni


My Name is Andrea Appolloni, I am Researcher and faculty member in Management at Tor Vergata University of Rome – Italy. In the same University I received my doctorate degree in Management Cum Laude and as well as an MSc in Real Estate Management. At University of Macerata – Italy, I received an MSc in International Business for China and Eastern Countries.

I am working in several research projects as a scientific coordinator member in Management Consulting, CSR and supply chain related fields such as global sourcing, sustainable supply chains and collaboration. I am regularly present at international conferences and I teach undergraduate, postgraduate and executive Master level in a variety of subjects including Procurement, Public Procurement, Supply Chain Management, Operations Strategy, and Sustainability. I am reviewer in several academic international journals related to the operations management science area and I have more or less 50 research works as a journal articles, book chapters, research reports, conference/working papers and introduction of the books.
I am a member of the editorial board, reviewer and guest editor in several international journals in Management and member of the scientific committee board of several Executive Master Programs. I am supervisor and co-supervisor examiner for the final thesis dissertation at level of Bachelor, Executive Master and Doctoral degree, more or less 100 students managed.

I manage work relations whit important international public and private companies and Universities whit a main objective to mix several experiences from different sectors and create ideas and value for all partners involved in the project relationship.
I was a visiting researcher at Cranfield University - UK to the Logistics and SCM department, at Tianjin University in China to the Supply Chain and Innovation department, at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville – USA to the Industrial and Systems Engineering department and at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH) to the Management, Technology and Economics Department.  I have worked with a number of companies in my research and professional activities. These include: CTS Voyages in Paris "France", for Hertz rent a car in Dublin “Ireland”, whit Accenture Consulting Company based in Italy whit several projects in  “Turkey, China and USA” in the field of Sourcing and Procurement area.

I am currently international expert evaluator of the European Commission in matters concerning Green, Sustainability and Internationalization related to the program “Horizon 2020” in Belgium.


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